Tuesday 13 March 2012

Honesty is the best policy?

My friend has recently renovated her cottage, and as part of an extension created a second bedroom in her attic. The walls have been left blank for their 7 year old son to get creative on. Quite the little artist. After getting drawing jealousy, I ask him if I can draw a picture too. After him agreeing that I can draw, as long as it was a monster to match his other art work, I decide to compromise and draw a self portrait (a princess) as the good guy.

Mid draw he comes back over, okay so the head was a little big and I had drawn semi-accurate boobs (maybe not appropriate) and the legs were short.....he opens his mouth with...

"Why have you drawn yourself so skinny?" aaaaahahahaha

Are you shitting me? Hes 7 and he saw right through me. Body dis morphia. I'm even going as far as drawing myself smaller and the kid caught me out.

Below is an example of my drawing.....

Alice. Severe case of body dis morphia. 

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